the orville artinya
- the orville
- orville johnson: orville johnson
- orville wright: orville wright; wright
- orville, indre: orville, indre
- The Orville is an American science fiction comedy-drama television series created by and starring Seth MacFarlane.
The Orville adalah serial drama komedi fiksi ilmiah Amerika Serikat yang dibuat oleh dan dibintangi Seth MacFarlane. - Inspired by several sources, including Star Trek and The Twilight Zone, the series tells the story of Mercer, Grayson, and the crew of the Orville as they embark on various diplomatic and exploratory missions.
Terinspirasi oleh beberapa sumber, termasuk Star Trek dan The Twilight Zone, seri ini menceritakan kisah Mercer, Grayson, dan kru Orville ketika mereka memulai berbagai misi diplomatik dan eksplorasi.